Airport Information:
General Airport Information
Air Traffic Service / Nav Aids
Meteorological Service
Call: [58] (414) 929-3770
Additional Information
Fixed Base Operators Services
Private airport serving General Aviation, open to the
General Airport Information:
- Identifier: SVCS
- Global Position System coordinates (WGS84): (TD-Rwy10) N10° 17' 12'' / W66° 48' 57''
- Coordinates UTM: 1.137.922,148 N / 739.216,6847 E
- Geographical Location: 20 miles SW of Caracas, Venezuela,
South America
- Sectional chart: Jeppesen-Latin America-LA (H/L) 8-SA (LO) 2 & 3
- Aircraft based at the airport: 540
Runway Information:
- Heading: 10/28
- Elevation: 2145 ft. (654 meters)
- Dimensions: 6,560 ft (2,000 meters) x 104 ft (30 meters)
- Surface: Asphalt
- Weight limitations: MTW 62,000 lbs. (28.123 Kgr.)
- Airport Operations: Private airport available for
General Aviation and commercial air traffic, for domestic and
international flights.
- Hours of operation: Airport is open from 6:00 to 22:00 (local time).
International Flights: Regular hours for customs and immigration are 7:00 to 16:00 (local time);
flights outside these hours must inform arrival or departure in advance and are subject to overtime
fees by custom officials (please contact Operations Dept. to schedule arrival or
departure and for information on current fees). More about this at International Operations
The airport operates the 365 days of the year.
- Fuel facilities: 6:30 to 20:30 local time (Jet A-1
and AVGAS; pump service and fuel truck). Payment only: Visa,
Master Card, Flight Card Bp, Cash/Traveler Checks in US$ and Bolívares.
No foreign bank checks accepted.
- Control tower: Yes. Beacon: white-green.
- Lights: Runway from SS to 2:00 UTC. Airport use on
request outside published hours and subject to published rates.
Please contact airport Operations Department to request out of
hours service. All other areas of airport are lighted from SS
to SR.
Runway Lights (RL). Omni Directional Approach Light (ODAL).
Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL). Pulsating Visual Approach Slope Precision
Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) on right of Rwy 10.
- Traffic pattern: Rwy 10-Left; Rwy 28- Left.
- Instrument approach: ILS/DME Cat. I.
- TD elevation: Rwy 10-2,145 ft.; Rwy 28-2,119 ft.
- IFR Approach: Rwy 10 right traffic. Only IFR operations from SS-SR.
- No VFR from SS-SR.
- Wind indicator:Lighted in touchdown areas Rwy 10 and Rwy 28.
Air Traffic Service / Nav Aids:
Air Traffic Services/Communications:
- Tower: 118.0 MHz - Call sign: "Caracas Tower"
- Approach: 119.2 MHz - Call sign: "Tuy Approach"
- Ground: 121.7 MHz - Call sign: "Caracas Ground"
Navigational Aids:
- VOR/DME: 115.2 MHz
- ILS CAT-1: 109.7 MHz
Meteorology Service:
- Provides information on weather conditions using satellite
photos sent hourly by GOES 8, also assisted by Internet information
pages. Likewise, information requested by users provided by Signet,
Metar, Tafor, Rofor and Wintem reports: Call: [58] (414) 929-3770.
See live weather WebCams.
Additional Information:
- Firefighters and rescue available 24 hours, 365 days. Station
located at International Terminal.
- Secondary or emergency energy supply for major airport services.
- Towing and jump-start assistance (contact Fixed Base Operators
for service).
- Transient and long-term aircraft parking is available at published rates. Hangar rental depending on availability (call or E-mail for current information).
- Landing Fees: Call or E-mail for current rates.
- Three helipoints beside taxiway I (under control tower authorization).
- Security 24 Hours a day in all airport grounds.
- Bilingual (English & Spanish) for Air Traffic Services.
Fixed Base Operators Services:
- Airframe service: Major.
- Powerplant Service: Major.
- Bottled oxygen: High/Low.
- Other services: Avionics, Air ambulance, charter flights, flight instruction, aircraft rental, aircraft sales.
- All aeronautical maintenance shops and service/sales companies available are approved by F.A.A. and/or Dirección Aeronáutica Civil, Ministry of Infrastructure of Venezuela.
Fixed Base Operators Directory